Is Jetpack Misleading Users to Promote

Are you using Jetpack’s publicize feature on your site? Recently while browsing through Facebook, we found several folks sharing links where WordPress replaced the site...

Add Nofollow Links in WordPress Navigation Menus

Many site owners prefer to add a nofollow tag to all external links. Adding a nofollow attribute to links in WordPress is extremely simple....

Partially Hide Admin Bar in WordPress

WordPress admin bar contains useful shortcuts for logged in users of your site. You can easily disable it from your profile, or hide it for...

Must Have WordPress Plugins

are you looking for the must have WordPress plugins used by WordPress experts? Well, then you’re in the right place. In this article, our...

Restrict Authors to Specific Category in WordPress

Running a multi-author site efficiently requires a good editorial workflow. If you have authors working on a specific topic, then one of the things...

Add Pay With a Tweet Button for File Downloads in WordPress

Have you come across sites that require you to tweet before you can download the freebie? If you offer file downloads on your WordPress...

Disable Disqus on Custom Post Types in WordPress

We recently switched from WordPress comments to Disqus comment system on WPBeginner. One of our users pointed out that comments on our custom post...

Move Your Site from Joomla to WordPress

A lot of people use Joomla to manage and publish their websites. While Joomla is a good platform, it is definitely not for everyone....

Fix the Internal Server Error in WordPress

If you have been surfing the web for more than a year, then you probably have seen the HTTP 500 Internal Server Error at...

Control the Visibility of Widgets Based on Time and Date

The traditional use of widgets in WordPress is to set it and forget it. After placing and configuring a widget, it stays in the...

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